Emergency responders from the Vallejo Fire Department and an ambulance company are pictured loading a patient on a stretcher into an ambulance. The patient is covered with a yellow blanket and surrounded by medical equipment, highlighting the urgency of the situation. The scene is set in front of a building, with bystanders in the background, underscoring the public nature of the emergency.
First responders load the victim of the Aug. 1, 2024 shooting into an ambulance outside the Super 8 motel in Vallejo, Calif. He died two days later. (Geoffrey King / Open Vallejo)

A man injured in a daytime shooting on Aug. 1 died two days later at a hospital, according to the Vallejo Police Department. 

The shooting occurred around 9:45 a.m. inside the Super 8 motel at 2070 Solano Avenue in Vallejo. Officers responded within minutes, and first responders applied a tourniquet to the man’s leg, according to dispatch audio and a statement released by Vallejo police. The man appeared conscious and alert as first responders loaded him into an ambulance to be taken to the hospital, with a Vallejo police SUV following close behind.

Police have announced no arrests and released no further information about the case, saying the motive and circumstances remain under investigation. The man’s death marks the 15th homicide of 2024, according to police.

The Solano County Coroner’s Office declined to release the name of the man who died when reached by phone Friday. 

Other recent homicide victims include 48-year-old Sharmell Mitchell, a Vallejo activist whose brother Willie McCoy was killed by Vallejo police in 2019, and Damien Davis, a 34-year-old who leaves behind a 6-year-old son and large extended family. 

Vallejo detectives and Sacramento sheriff’s deputies arrested a suspect in connection with Mitchell’s homicide in Rancho Cordova Thursday.

Anna Bauman is a former investigative reporter with Open Vallejo.

Geoffrey King is the executive editor of Open Vallejo. Prior to founding Open Vallejo, Geoffrey worked as an attorney and journalist focused on free expression, open government, press freedom and privacy. He is a proud native of Vallejo, California.